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लोग क्या सोचेंगे

जब भी कुछ करते है सबसे पहले हमारे दिमाग में यही बात आती है कि लोग क्या सोचेंगे? समाज क्या कहेगा? अब ए समज लीजिए कि समाज मतलब है कौन? हमारे आ...

Saturday 18 March 2017






Sky-man in a manhole
with astronomy for dream,
astrology for nightmare;

fat man full of proverbs,
the language of lean years,
living in square after

almanac square
prefiguring the day
of windfall and landslide

through a calculus
of good hours,
clutching at the tear

in his birthday shirt
as at a hole
in his mildewed horoscope,

squinting at the parallax
of black planets,
his Tiger, his Hare

moving in Sanskrit zodiacs,
forever troubled
by the fractions, the kidneys

in his Tamil flesh,
his body the Great Bear
dipping for the honey,

the woman-smell
in the small curly hair
down there. 
A thumb nail sketch of an astronomer-astrologist , a Tamil home-grown scholar who dabbles in the twin subjects of astrology and astronomy. Not that the subjects are inter-related but in our culture the man who fixes the auspicious time for your son’s marriage or your grandson’s school entry is also an astronomer of sorts, who claims knowledge of the skies.
 A sky man in a manhole. He knows the Great Bear constellation ,with a great bear of a body with a hunger for the female flesh, the woman smell down there.
The desire of poor man and his life described by the poet with such a beautiful words. The person who is telling future of others himself unaware about his o life and people cannot see his poverty  and running blindly tos ee their own future.

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