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लोग क्या सोचेंगे

जब भी कुछ करते है सबसे पहले हमारे दिमाग में यही बात आती है कि लोग क्या सोचेंगे? समाज क्या कहेगा? अब ए समज लीजिए कि समाज मतलब है कौन? हमारे आ...

Thursday 15 October 2020

लोग क्या सोचेंगे

जब भी कुछ करते है सबसे पहले हमारे दिमाग में यही बात आती है कि लोग क्या सोचेंगे? समाज क्या कहेगा?
अब ए समज लीजिए कि समाज मतलब है कौन? हमारे आसपास के लोग और कोई और भी है? जो हमे पहेचान ते है वो ही लोग मिल के हमारे लिए समाज बनाते है। अब को हमें जानता है वो तो हम पे उंगली उठाने से रहे तो जो हमे नहीं जानता उसके बारे में सोचना ही क्यों?
जब लोग कहते है कि हमको शर्म आनी चाहिए क्युकी हमारा बर्ताव अच्छा नहीं होता तो अब बात ये है कि हम कुछ भी करे जिसको गंदे नजरिए से देखना है वो तो देखेगे ही। अब बात ये है कि हमारा उसकी सोच से क्या लेना देना? 
अगर आज में गुजरात में हूं तो मेरा समाज गुजरात वाले लोग होगे। कल को में अमेरिका जाती हूं तो मेरा समाज वो बन जाएगा। इंसान इसी समाज के डर से खुदकुशी कर लेता है क्यो की डर लगता है इन्हीं लोगों से। मेरा मानना है कि अगर हम सिर्फ भारत की जनसंख्या देखे तो १२० करोड़ है तो अगर २०-२५ लोग आपको नफरत करे या आपको पसंद नहीं करते इसका मतलब ए थोड़ी हुआ की हर कोई आपसे नफरत करता है। रास्ते पर चलते हुए किसी भी इंसान को पुछलो की क्या वो आपसे नफरत करता है? तो समझ को की १२० करोड़ लोगो में से २०-२५ आपको पसंद नहीं भी करते तो भी आपके पास कारण है खुश रहेने का क्यों की १२० करोड़ तो आपको प्यार ही करते है। ( जो हमे नफरत नहीं करता वो प्यार करता है bcz either it is positive or negetive) 
इंसान बहोत सारी ज़िन्दगी एक साथ जीता है। जैसे कि मा बाप की संतान, बहेन भाई, पति पत्नी, नौकर मालिक और भी बहोत सारी। अगर एक जगह आप नाकामयाब हुए तो इसका मतलब ये नहीं ही आप अच्छे इंसान नहीं हो। हम अच्छे मालिक नहीं बन पाए तो इसका मतलब ये नहीं कि हम अच्छी संतान भी नहीं है। लोगो की सोच उनके खुद से नजरिए से  होती है और नजरिया सबका अलग होता है। एक इंसान आपको बुरा बोलता है तो एक आपको भगवान की तरह पूजता होगा। अब देखना खुद को होता है कि किसी के बुरे कहेने से दुखी हो जाए या किसी के अच्छे लगने से खुश रहे। 
अंत में इतना ही कहे सकते है कि लोग तो कुछ भी कहे या सोचे आपको जिससे फायदा हो वो ही बात आप दिमाग में लाइए। तलिया ये लोग ही बजाएंगे आपकी सफलता में भी और असफलता में भी।

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Helping; An Addiction

                                         Helping; An Addiction

Hello Readers,
There are few things going on my mind from few days. And it is true that whenever you have something in your head you can not rest peacefully. When you read the title you must find it is weird or an absurd because helping someone is consider as great deed but i think differently. and as a responsible person we must think from both of the perspectives. 
When i was randomly thinking, i realized that helping someone is not always good. Helping can also become an addiction. There are main two types of addictions: Good and bad
Have you ever thought that helping someone can also become and addiction? Yes, that’s truth. Once you start helping someone, you will become an addicted person.

 I know its difficult to understand so lets see it with an example. When you help someone during examination and see the smile on that person will make you happy and you will inspire to help them again and again. That person will expect you to help them again and again. And when you can fulfill their expectation they will hurt you. Now think about it. You have helped them with good intention but they will become lethargic because they know that you will be there for them.              

And just like other addiction i.e. drinking, smoking etc helping is also bad (not for you but for others), Karana is very famous figure in Hindu culture who has donated everything and even when he has given weapon to his mother which has lead him towards his death. Here his helping nature has become his weapon of death. He could refuse his mother but he has not done that because it was his nature or might be an addiction. 
Helping others is good but let not make it an addiction. Because in Gujarati says દયા ડાકણ ને ખાય. Thank you for reading and do not forget to share your views.

Thursday 18 April 2019

Gully Boy- Critical Analysis By Ami Sojitra

Critical Analysis of Frames in Gully Boy

Hello readers,

First of all here I have not written the review of the film 'Gully Boy' but it is critical analysis. It is very necessary for the students of Literature to understand the film because books have also changed place. Books are not sitting in the library only but also they are also performing in theater.

According to Dr. Dilip Barad 'Students of literature are supposed to do film study also but reading frames or moving camera/moving picture is not that for the students of words'. Film Gully Boy has also given words to the camera. Lights, angle, frame, focus and defocus are also important in the study of film. Zoya Akhtar has reached inside of the Gully Culture as Satyajit Ray has gone inside of the Kotadi Culture. With the help of frames everything has explained here.

Frame 1

In this frame that wall is transparent. The pain of these lower class people or homeless people is also visible to the society. There is nothing like wall of cement so one can not see what is happening at other side. Even the wall has designed in such way that people from both side can communicate but the willingness is absent. Even they are not so far from each other but distance of class is wider than distance of humanity.

Frame 2


Having dog and human in same frame is pleasure but here the frame is different. Life of street dog is different from those Bolognese dog who is very dear to wealthy people. Here the life of human is equal to the life of street dog. Street dog is symbol of having no existence and here people are also the same. Nobody cares even if they die on the street just like unnoticed dog died by the big vehicle.

Frame 3

 The person who is sitting in the car has no emotions. surrounded by lights still he felt emptiness inside. Murad is not the only Gully boy of history but there are plenty of Gully Boys living in gully and because of lights of rich people their dreams were shuttled down in some dark corner. May be some of them never dare to put them in light because they are afraid of these too much light.

Frame 4

In this frame the reflection of frame 3 is quite visible. His reflection in the mirror was not visible because of the lights. Coming in to the light means making an identity. Here Murad is also frustrated because he has no identity. They way camera has focused on the light tried to show the importance of being in light and also wish of person to be in the light.

Frame 5

Father, Son and background. There was an open door in the background which has never opened for son. Father has recently married with the girl same age as his son. When she has tried to opened door between father ans son they have quarreled. Many times father has closed door of his room in the film. Does this means he tried to stay away from the world or his unwillingness to accept the change in the world?

Frame 6

Here both the mothers tried to walk besides their children but their children are in hurry. The background is also showing their family background or their society. Murad is Gully buy while Safeena is daughter of Doctor and also wanted to be surgeon. Her life is so peaceful the way described in image while Murad has such noisy and dirty or messy life.

Frame 7

 Earlier Bread,shelter and clothes used to be an important for the person to live. But now one more thing has been added which has brought revolution in the society- INTERNET. There you don't need to show your color,caste,class or gender. you can be Human on internet. Those who are in the search of the self-existence got stage as internet came.

Frame 8

As described in Frame 7 here it reflect that internet has also become an important part of our life. Many people got fame because of internet. Those dreams which used die in the dark corner have got platform. The person was using mobile in the background symbolize that no matter you belonging, even if you are from the dark corner of the world still you can put yourself in the light.

Frame 9

As the title of the film suggest Gully here they have started from their own place. Goat at the corner of the street symbolize the life of people are equal to goat. Even it also suggest the reality of modern society than in the earlier stage of success person will be alone. But as success come there will be crowd behind him which captured in frame 10.

Frame 10

So narrow Gully and coming out from that is symbolize that now person has grown up and he has been accepted by the world. There is no Goat in the corner which shows that now he has done something which has been noticed by other people.

Frame 11

All the characters seems so happy in this frame. Here they are away from worries and with each other they think life is happy. Safeena and Murad are also appeared meeting in the public place but here it seems like they were very comfortable. We all have wish to spend the whole life with the people we love. Here this coach of train is like their own world where they do not want anyone else to interfere.


Light, Camera and action- Three bases of the film. Light is not only to make the things visible but they have meanings. If we look from the eye of camera we see the difference in the use of light. In following frames we see how they have used light in Gully Boy.

Frame 12

Murad was sitting under blue light. In this film blue line has stand for the dark India. As described by Arvind Adiga in White Tiger here also Zoya akhtar has described dark India. May be under the Yellow light of Vibrant India, this dark India has been covered up.

Frame 12

The distance between Safeena and Murad is like distance between Blue and Yellow. But they both find light of love more brighten than these two lights or we can say they have accepted each other under their own lights rather than changing each other. Here in this frame Safeena is the one who has broken the boundary of Yellow light and entered in to Blue light.

Frame 12

As Murad Got fame now he is in the light while his father was still in the dark. Even he was not ashamed of call himself 'Naukar". While explaining the frame we analyse the scene based on the picture. Here the difference between father and son is not that distance but also their different attitude.  In the background there is no door but widow which is transparent and here also finally father has explained why he was behaving such way.

Frame 13

In the Frame 4 , Dreams of Murad has shuttled down under this yellow light and finally here he is shining under yellow light. Now the camera has focused on him not the light while earlier it was focused on the light. This difference in the light shows his journey from defocused to the center of focus.

Most of the time as student of literature we discuss the film based on acting, story and theme. But rather than studying film from that factors now try to look at the film from the Eye of Camera and the film will be different. Art of film will be visible if you will look at them from different perspective. Zoya Akhtar has captured all the wonderful frames and shown to us.

There are other factors like character of Safeena nd Murad are performed well by the actors. In the literature writers never dare to describe Muslim girl like Safeena but in Stories Ismat Chugtai and in film Zoya Akhtar has given different life to the Muslim Girl child. Enjoying life like others is also their rights. 

Hope you have enjoyed my analysis. Do not forget to give your views about my analysis. Thank you.