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Saturday 18 March 2017


This is my first attempt of writing an abstract and after this presentation i am happy because i have learned a lot. Abstract is like an Index of the paper so researcher must include the main part of the paper in the abstract.

 Parallel cinema as Movement


Parallel cinema is a voice of lower class, subaltern and the victims. The purpose of parallel cinema was not entertainment but focused on the problems of the people. Industrial revolution, social awareness, caste and class, economical disparity,politics, migration from village to city, broken family, development of technology, middle class and their problems, materialistic minds etc. were represented in the parallel cinema. The locations as well as the language gave the touch of reality. Everything was represented without glamorization of the things.Some of the Indian directors have made such films which may not entertain the audience but it represent the reality. It was kind of movement in the Indian film industry.
Do Bigha Zamin (hindi film) and Bhavni Bhavai(Gujarati Film) are well known parallel cinema.The reality of the Indian society in which lower class people were continuously exploited by the people who were in power position. Industrial revolution has played a vital role in the developement of the country but it has also made a disastrous impact on the poor class or Farmers. The unheard voice of that farmer for whom little piece of Land was everything to earn than also they lost without knowing.. The last scene of the film has represented the value of that small piece of land for the farmer.
Bhavni Bhavai is a gujrati film which also consider as Parallel cinema. One may fail to imagine such a thing from the story but here the director has given touch of reality. Only because of being a person from lower class the hero suffered a lot. Even two different ends have been given to the film. The film was full of satire, politics, caste devision and some kind of superstition which leads the death of an innocent person.
Parallel Cinema has tried to show the reality of the time which may not provide entertainment to the audience. Parallel cinema were kind of cinema Without expectation.

Key Words
Politics, Economical disparity, caste and class, reality and imagination,

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